Gender Classification from Transfer Learning


Gender classification has been used in lots of maching learning applications. Classifying gender of a person can be simple for humans but it’s still an active problem in modern computer vision. State-of-the-art face detection algorithms have reached high accuracy on available benchmark datasets. This project implements transfer learning on gender classification with the help of pretrained vgg-16 face descriptor model.

The pretrained weights can be downloaded from Pretrained weights, which was extracted from original VGG Face Descriptor Caffe model (The original model can be downloaded from here).


The dataset can be downloaded from Face Image Project. The basic structure of the face dataset folder (default name: combined):

   ├── aligned  <-- 29,437 train data
   |   ├── 01_F <-- This subfolder contains the images with gender 'F' and age `01`.
   |   ├── 01_M
   |   ├── 02_F
   |   ├── 02_M
   |   └── ...
   └── valid    <-- 3,681 test data
       ├── 01_F 
       ├── 01_M
       ├── 02_F
       └── ...

The size of each image is 128*128*3 with color channels RGB.

Example image:



python -c gender_vgg.config